news crestSurveys are important when used to promote action and development on important goals. The success of Zafèn can be attributed in part to you due to the valuable responses to the HHTARG Zafèn Crowdfunding Survey done in 2010. Today Zafèn has provided loans to 442 entrepreneurs for approximately 2 million dollars and has been written up in the Huffington Post in 2011 and Forbes in 2012.

Now the Haitian Hometown Associations Resource Group (HHTARG) is launching the 2014 Haitian Diaspora Investment Survey. The analysis of the data will be used to develop a Whitepaper on Diaspora Investment and Engagement to generate and disseminate learning about Diaspora investment and its role in development to assist policymakers, NGOs, Investors and researchers. Many assumptions need to be validated when it comes to Diaspora engagement. Your input matters and could help design better policies and mechanisms for Haitian Diaspora engagement.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and is essential in order to meet our collective goals and aspirations for the development of Haiti.

Benefits of Participation

We will share with you the preliminary statistics and trend report by mid October and you will be invited to meet with us one of our Interactive Diaspora Tour meetings during the fall. Additionally a copy of the Whitepaper will be shared with you upon completion in December 2014. To stay informed on progress of the Whitepaper and the analysis of the data please visit the HHTARG website at and join us in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago and Florida for the Interactive Diaspora Investment Tour when a draft of the Whitepaper will be shared and discussed.

Your participation in the 2014 Haitian Diaspora Investment Survey is important as it will support the development and investment in Haiti.

Here is the link:

We ask that you complete the survey by September 30th, 2014. If you have any questions, please email us at If you prefer to complete the survey during a telephone call with a board member of the HHTARG please call # 347-838-4156 and leave a message with your telephone number, name and organization and your call will be returned within 48 hours. All information provided will stay confidential and we will only share trends and statistics.

Thank you