
Olympians Celebrated at Embassy

  The Embassy of Haiti honored its local Haitian Olympians Moise Joseph and Samyr Laine, Sept. 13, 2012. Ambassador Paul Altidor expressed gratitude for the way the two athletes represented…

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Prime Minister Visits Washington

For Immediate Release: July 25, 2012 PRIME MINISTER LAMOTHE LEADS HAITIAN DIPLOMATIC MISSION IN WASHINGTON, DC Promotes new anti-poverty initiatives and private sector investment Washington, DC – Prime Minister Laurent Salvador…

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The Embassy is currently undergoing a process of revitalization and modernization with the aim of better aligning the Embassy’s activities with Government of Haiti’s (“GOH”) strategic priorities and revamp and enhance the services it currently provides to Haitian citizens. The main strategic priority identified by the GOH remains the advancing of business diplomacy. Thus, the Embassy is orienting its activities to foster business development to generate economic growth and job creation. In addition, the Embassy is in the process of enhancing its community outreach services and undertaking the renovation of its physical space.

It is with this context that the Embassy is seeking volunteers from the Haitian-American diaspora open to providing their skills and expertise in a number of different areas. If you would like to assist the Embassy, please contact us at: amb.washington@diplomatie.ht

Je me suis entretenu avec le Secrétaire d’Etat américain @SecBlinken
autour des efforts pour le déploiement de la MMAS et de l’urgence des prochaines étapes pour appuyer les efforts de la @pnh_officiel. Nous avons évoqué les enjeux liés au processus électoral et…

Importante rencontre avec @KGeorgieva Directrice Générale du Fonds monétaire international pour discuter des impacts de la crise, de la détermination du Gouvernement à adresser les défis sécuritaires, économiques et sociaux, de la relation avec le FMI et des appuis que le Fonds…

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